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About Us

Your Child Is in Great Hands



  • We work as youth advocates in the best interests of our youth, making sure our purpose is to ensure that youth maintain their human rights while aiding in skill development in all areas of life such as education, health, housing, employment, relationships. We work to combat poverty and inequity by empowering and mobilizing youth to become advocates, service providers and agents of change in their own communities.

Arts & Culture

  • We develop arts and culture programs for our youth as a call to action. Our youth engage in activism, using their art as a medium to mobilize communities and encourage collective action.Art reflects society and culture. It helps us understand what we are as human beings and influences how we relate to each other. Art is an expression of our inner thoughts, feelings, and experiences. It's also an expression of creativity that can be used for self-reflection or social influence.

Teenagers in Park

Mental Health

  • Our mental health advocacy includes sharing educational resources with our youth, their friends and family. A big portion of this advocacy is asking government representatives to make mental health services more accessible. Our staff provides training, technical assistance and resources on sexuality education, youth-adult partnerships, gender equity, contraceptive access, HIV prevention, treatment and care and LGBTQ health and rights.

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